We’re working diligently to keep products readily available to our consumers. Even if a product shows available in our locator, the product may not be on-shelf. We recommend either ordering online or calling your local store to verify.

Ballreich Snack Food Company
186 Ohio Avenue
Tiffin, OH 44883

1 (800) 323-2447

We are committed to making this website compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We want all of our visitors to be able to access and understand our goods and services.

Ballreich Snack Food Company, LLC continuously makes modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as our guidelines.

Accessibility and usability are not always possible in every area of the website or for those visitors using assistive technologies and devices. Please be advised that our efforts are ongoing, and we continue to improve our designs based upon your feedback.

If you have found an inaccessible area on the site, please be sure to specify the web page and provide us with any other information you may think will help us locate the area.

Need Help?

In the event a page is not accessible to you, we will work to make a text version of the content available. Please provide us with your contact information (email and/or phone number), the format you require, the web page address and the specific content desired. We welcome your questions about this accessibility statement and comments on how to improve our website's accessibility.

Have Feedback?

If you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of this site or need assistance in using this site, please contact us at: 1-800-323-2447 or via the "Contact Us" page on our website.

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